Friday, 22 November 2013

I'd just like to thank...

...Skye Fairwin over at Think Ink for nominating me for the Liebster award.

It's been a while since she nominated me, and my blog is sadly lacking in posts, but nevertheless, here are the answers to her questions:

1.When did you first start to see yourself as a writer?
I don't think I've ever really seen myself as a writer. I've always written, always wanted to write, but writers are people who spend their lives in cosy cafes, observing people and scribbling in notebooks. I scribble on post-its and type up half-finished stories on my laptop in my bedroom at home, surrounded by dogs, cats, birds and the odd park-town prawn. Does that make me a writer? I suppose so.

2.What was the first story you remember writing about?

I think I was in grade one when we got the usual start-of-year homework to write a few sentences about ourselves in our workbook. My sentences turned into an entire page about my dogs, flying over the swimming pool, and my brother who refused to talk. It was part fantasy, part autobiographical, and my teacher was not impressed. She was also the teacher who wrote "when did you grow a beard?" next to my self-portrait. I was six.

3.What do you blog about and why?

 This question would be better suited to someone who actually blogged on a regular basis. When I do get to my blog, I tend to write about things that matter to me, things that inspire me, and hopefully, things that make people chuckle. As to why I blog about that, have you got a few hours? No? I'll try to keep it short then. My blog was created when I walked out of my job of five years, with no idea of what I'd do after that. I just knew that life wasn't supposed to be a daily struggle to wake up and go to work. I wanted to share the experiences that life has to offer, the truth that even though things don't always go as planned, the level of 'bad' is determined by your choice of perspective. I wanted to share the realisation that you create your reality.

4.Who is your idol?

Honestly? No one. Idolising someone implies wanting to be like them and I don't want to be like anyone except myself. Although there are a lot of people I admire and who motivate me to become a better person in my own right. Skye Fairwin - whose constant encouragement and intense dedication to her wordcraft leaves me in awe and inspires me to make the time to write and keep on writing is one of them.

5.Besides writing, do you engage in any other creative/artistic pursuits? (E.g. painting, composing, etc.)

Does building houses in the Sims count? I scribble a bit, but I'm not an artist by nature, it's something I really have to work at, and being a perfectionist, it bothers me when I don't get it right first time. I enjoy working with GIMP and Photoshop though, so I suppose that could count as artistic tendencies.

6.If you were sucked into your story world, how long would you survive?

Depends on which story... If it was the Olarunae series, not very long at all.

7.If you could live during any historical period, when would it be and why?

Am I allowed to change who I am in order to promote my survival in said period? In that case, I'd like to go back to the Jurassic period. Or maybe even the period of time the Croods lived in! Just because.

8.Where do you hope to be in ten years' time?

In a cottage in the mountains, surrounded by forests with a single road in and out of the area. Self-sustained by my vegetable garden and solar power. That'd be nice.

9.Which of your characters is your favourite and why?

 Jarred from the Olarunae series. He's the only character who popped up one morning and told me I couldn't wear pants because it wasn't very ladylike. We had a ten minute argument about it, and I wore the pants. He didn't speak to me for a week.

10.If you were given one wish, what would it be?

I would wish for everyone to gain respect for themselves, self-esteem and self-love, along with the realisation that they alone are responsible for how their lives turn out. I think the world in general would just be a much happier place if we took responsibility for ourselves and the way we live, instead of trying to blame money, society, religion or a million other silly things for our self-created misery.

The rules of the Liebster award say that I have to nominate ten other people and give them ten questions to answer... Er... That's a lotta people. I don't know that many folks in blogland so I'm just going to nominate who I DO know. Surprisingly, that's increased by a few since the last game of tag.

The nominees have to answer the questions, then select 10 others with less than 200 readers, and ask them 10 questions in turn.

  1. amimental
  2. All the awesome folks at the Sprint Shack. (technically this counts as three people, so haha!)

My Questions:

1. How did you decide on the title for your blog and what alternatives did you consider first?
2. What is it about blogging that keeps you coming back for more?
3. If you could live anywhere, anywhen, where and when would it be and why?
4. Do you ever try to write outside your chosen genre?
5. Some people have received book deals based on their blogs. If someone offered you one for your blogs, would you accept and why?
6. Do you like vegetables or fruit more?
7. What is your favourite nursery rhyme and why?
8. Technophobe, technogeek or somewhere inbetween?
9. Do you believe in ghosts?
10. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck?

All yours!