Monday, 13 February 2012

I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of...


The Lovely Bunch

Not quite growing in a row. But it is a lovely bunch of veggies and I did plant them. We had a lot of fun planting them too. The animals watched with interest as we extended the flowerbed and Zeus being Zeus decided that the newly dug soil would make an awesome litter box. After a lot of complaining as I repeatedly removed him from the patch, he finally gave up; leaving me to transform the empty bed into a vegetable paradise.

Squashy's Legs and the New Bed
My house mate, Squishy and her boyfriend Squashy (don’t ask about the names); helped. Or rather, Squashy helped me dig while Squishy made lunch. 

The Extended Bed Before Planting
We decided to extend the first bed, because a lot of the veggies we got prefer sun, and most of the beds are in shade. So we extended the one and then dug another.  

My friend took us to Four Seasons Nursery in Benoni, which is a wonderful little place where you actually buy the veg by the parcel and you get to watch as they're dug out of their beds. The parcels are huge; for those with a small garden like mine, I highly recommend going for the half parcel, which thanks to my awesome buddy is what we did. As it was, I was scared I'd run out of room. The scraggly grass patch is now a bit smaller. The staff at the nursery is friendly and welcoming and I was given a few impromptu lessons on planting which I'm really grateful for since I occasionally battle to tell the leaves from the roots. (Not quite but close.) 

So without further ado; I present the stars of the shows in all their glory. *Cue round of applause*

Bringing up the rear in the new bed are onions, their leaves/stalks? (confusing plant) cut off halfway down as recommended by the helpful gardener at the nursery. 

Leading the lines, spinach. I've been craving creamed spinach for weeks and in a few I shall have my very own big plants to provide me with all the leaves I need. Oh Spinach, I heart you. 

In the extended bed, we have:
  •  Brinjals. The above mentioned awesome friend has a garden of her own with mature plants which are bearing ripe ones of their own. I have never in my life tasted a vegetable that was so creamy and just plain yummy as that freshly picked, homegrown brinjal. If mine come out even half as yummy, I will be ecstatic.
  • Butter Lettuce. I'm a rabbit at heart. Lettuce is my salad leaf of choice. 
  • Beetroot. Not my favourite, but Squishy loves the icky red stuff and maybe the homegrown variety will be yummier than the bottled weird stuff I remember being forced to taste as a child. Maybe.
  • Brocolli. In a cheese sauce or with potatoes or above-mentioned creamed spinach. Need I say more? Apparently the bugs love it. If they love mine, it will be the last thing they ever love. Ever. 
And finally, chillies. I don't quite know why I got these, since I'm very definitely a scaredy cat when it comes to spicy food. I think I may have fun developing stronger tastebuds though. There's just something exotically appealing about going to a chilli tree and picking them off to be used in some hot spicy dish. I think I'll have to start looking for recipes that require a bit of fire. Otherwise, I'll be using them to make a really strong anti-bug spray for the brocolli.

This would be Lady and Tobi, eagerly watching our actions in the garden. I am hoping the strict 'no's yelled out every time they tried to walk in the beds will have some impact and they'll keep out of them. If not, I'll have to fence them off until the plants are too big to be trampled. 

Here is the recipe for lunch, which is something I tried and which seems to be a huge hit with everyone. While I yelled directions to her from the garden, Squishy learnt how to make it, and it came out really well. 

A Different Potato Salad. (serves 4 as a light meal)

5 medium unpeeled, washed potatoes, cut into bite size pieces.
1 onion, finely chopped and fried in butter and sugar until slightly burnt. 
5 smoked viennas, cut into pieces and lightly fried.
Mayonnaise to taste.

Boil the potatoes until soft, then remove from heat and drain. Add the caramelised onion, viennas and mayonnaise and mix well. Serve warm or cold.
Optional extras which were in the salad the first time I made it, are sliced green peppers and chunks of cheddar cheese. 

To my amazing friend, who took us shopping for the veg and very kindly got them for us; thank you will not suffice. You have an open invitation to dinner when they are ready for harvesting and my promise that I will learn how to make amazing vegetarian dishes to delight your tastebuds. You are awesome. 

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