Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Random Musings

I haven't really had a lot to post about, although a lot has been happening. A blog is an unusual tool. On the one hand, it allows you to share your life with others and remain anonymous while doing so. On the other, it allows you to share your life with others and, in my case at least, remain not-so-anonymous.

When I started the blog, it was just a way to hold myself accountable for tasks I normally wouldn't complete, stories I never finished writing, ideas that I wanted to turn into goals, etc etc etc. So I made a conscious decision to involve my friends and family in it, giving them the site address, letting them know when I posted something new, and so on. It was a way for me to showcase things that were important to me, and share it with whoever was interested.

The problem is, when everything is going well; there's a lot of excitement and new things happening everyday, the blog is awesome. I can share the good stuff with the entire world and no one will be offended or upset or whatever.

It's when LIFE happens, when there are problems to solve, emotional baggage to unpack, issues in general to deal with; that a not-so-anonymous blog gets a bit tricky to maintain. Mainly because, the blog was created as a place to vent and share, even if no one really cared about what you were writing. And suddenly, when everyone you know, knows about your blog; venting becomes less of a vent, and more of an exercise in mystery writing. Pronouns become favourite tools, nicknames are used (or not), to prevent confusion between all the "he's", "she's", "they's", "we's", and so on and so forth unto bewilderment. Writing about a sticky home situation becomes an intricate dance to prevent any dire offense from being uttered.

And yet, if a blog is about one's life, and it becomes a major part of your daily existence; ie. thinking that finding the parktown prawn kindly dissected into individual body parts and scattered around your house by the oh-so-self-satisfied cats, would make a brilliant story when you wake up in the middle of the night, stumble through to the bathroom with barefeet and step on something that is simultaneously spiky and crunchy *shudders*... Well, it stands to reason that something as awesomely disturbing as stepping on a dismembered insect would be something you'd want to post on your blog so the whole wide world will know about it. It also stands to reason that the story you wrote about it would be so awesome, that you'd want everyone you know to read it and laugh (or shudder), and so you tell everyone you wrote a blog and they should check it out. Whoop!

Then something not so awesome happens and you want to post about it, and vent and scream and cry (the pc screen is much less messy than actually screaming and crying); and suddenly you wake up and realise that the people who read your creepy insect story will read this one too (duh! They keep asking why you haven't written any more on your blog). And so you stop writing until the next harmless yet increasingly disturbing prawn-massacre disturbs your nightly trip to the bathroom. And you start keeping a pair of flip-flops next to the bed so when you hear that terrible crunching sound, it's under your shoe and you don't try to walk back to bed without touching the floor once.

So to keep the blog going, you have to try to find the middle ground between the awesome, and the issues. Not so easy when life isn't as well balanced as a cat about to pounce on its next victim. And that, my dear friends, is why posts are scarce and random musings randomly happen.


  1. You should just... wrote. Say whatever. If people don't read it, well, you have a journal of life in general. And you can look back and remember what you DIDN'T write, too.


    1. Hi Ami. Thanks for the comment. :) The point isn't so much that I was telling people in order to get readership up, but more that it was a way to be held accountable for things I wanted to achieve. I'm a terrible procrastinator, but am learning to hold myself accountable. Finally.
      And yes, I think I will just write. It is my blog after all. ;)
