Monday, 18 February 2013

Happy Birthday to my Bestest Friend

Today's post is dedicated to a very special person.

We met fourteen years ago, at our grade 8 orientation day. We were both extraordinarily shy, and somehow ended up standing next to each other in the assembly. I greeted her, she greeted me, and the next thing we were chatting like old friends.

She emigrated to Australia in 2004, and although we haven't seen each other since then, we still email, message and occasionally Skype.

When she was here, we used to go to the mall to eat waffles and watch a movie. I would always smother mine in every kind of syrup, she would have hers plain. She would watch me drenching the waffle and ice cream in syrup, pull a face and tell me; "that's disgusting." When she left, if I had a waffle, half was plain for her, the rest was covered in syrup for me. (She wanted me to eat two - one plain, one covered in syrup - but I just couldn't manage it.)

Although I was an anti-social freak and never remembered her birthday, and she was a much better friend to me than I ever was to her; she's always called me her friend and I consider myself extremely lucky to have a friend like her. I am proud that today, she is the friend that I've had the longest, and that I can still call her my Bestest Friend.

Today is her birthday, and I just want to send her the biggest, syrupiest, sweetest, most disgustingly yummy waffle I can. Unfortunately, Google doesn't have one like what I used to have, so here's the next best thing:

Happy Birthday Chips!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

I've been tagged... Skye over at ThinkInk. Skye is an old friend from Booksie, where she's known as UnderxYourxSpell . If you're ever looking for some brilliantly written, all-consuming fantasy stories, have a look at hers. I'm looking forward to reading Her Clockwork Heart *hint-hint*, which is her current work in progress. Pop over to her blog for an in-depth review of this Steampunk Fantasy.

Oops... got distracted. As I was saying, I've been tagged in The Next Best Thing Blog Hop. I'm not quite sure how this tagging business works, but I'm assuming I have to answer the questions about my writing, and then tag others to do the same. Since I don't follow any writing blogs, except Skye's and she was the one who tagged me, I'm afraid to say I won't be tagging anyone, but if anyone who reads this and does write, would like to take part, you're welcome to consider yourself tagged by me. Drop me a comment, and I'll link to your blog in an edit.

So without further ado, here are my answers for The Next Best Thing Blog Hop:

What is the working title of your book?
At the moment, it's just called Pandora's Box because that's the name of the main character and I haven't really thought about the title yet.

Where did the idea come from for your book?
I've always been fascinated by the concept of Time as a living thing. A friend of a friend died, and then a friend's beloved dog of 19 years passed away and I started thinking about how many of us waste our time wishing for days to go faster, or for the weekend to come, etc. I watched the movie In Time (which I totally recommend by the way), and it all seemed to come together to create the character of Pandora.

What genre does your book fall under?
Fantasy, with a dash of romance.  

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
Time-Keepers never waste time on distractions, but Pandora has just opened her mythical box with the biggest distraction of all: Love.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Hahaha. Oh. That was a serious question? Sorry. If When, I manage to finish this story, I'll have a look at my options.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
It's still in progress.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
It would be great if I could compare it to some really big names, but so far I have a vague plotline and a few chapters, so I can't really say where it's heading or which books it compares to.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I'm not sure. I don't watch a lot of TV or movies. Katherine Moennig who stars as Shane in the L Word appeals as Pandora, but I suppose it depends on how the characters develop as I go along.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?
A lot of different things. A new take on relationships and what a person would be prepared to give up for one, as well as how time or lack of it, can affect a relationship, and also what would happen if some things that aren't possible in our reality, were possible in the characters'. I'm also determined to finish a full length novel that's worth publishing, instead of some half-finished nonsense, which is normally what happens. The inspiration of that goal is from my girlfriend (who keeps 'Pfft'-ing me when I start telling her I can't seem to finish), as well as other brilliant writers who do finish; the major one being Skye.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
If you're interested in fantasies that make you think, deal with real-life issues in supernatural ways, and take you on a fast-paced journey to save, not only her Forever love, but also time as we know it and the fate of the universe, then delve into Pandora's Box and see if you can find Hope.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

I have an Eco-system... my hair.

In other words, I have lice.

Excuse me while I have a complete freak out....

Dragonfly calls it my eco-system. And laughs. Tells me it means my hair is clean because lice don't live in dirty hair. Or curly hair for that matter.  

It's still lice! I don't even know how I got the little bugs. *shudders*

She bought me poison. It comes with a hectic list of contra-indications and a warning not to leave it on for longer than ten minutes. Uhm.... No.

I tried pet shampoo instead. It doesn't work. So I checked the Fragrant Pharmacy. Lavender, Geranium, Chamomile, Lemon, Rosemary... All essential oils that won't poison me, and will deal with the issue. And Bingo! I have some completely natural Lavender shampoo and conditioner from EarthSap. So I tried the conditioner last night. Ha! My eco-system dropped dead faster than the cats sneaking into the bathroom before I can close the door. Yay! I've ordered more conditioner and will be adding some of the other oils to it before I apply it to my hair again tonight. 

And Dragonfly says she'll be using the poison. Turns out, lice don't mind curly hair all that much.