Tuesday, 12 February 2013

I've been tagged...

...by Skye over at ThinkInk. Skye is an old friend from Booksie, where she's known as UnderxYourxSpell . If you're ever looking for some brilliantly written, all-consuming fantasy stories, have a look at hers. I'm looking forward to reading Her Clockwork Heart *hint-hint*, which is her current work in progress. Pop over to her blog for an in-depth review of this Steampunk Fantasy.

Oops... got distracted. As I was saying, I've been tagged in The Next Best Thing Blog Hop. I'm not quite sure how this tagging business works, but I'm assuming I have to answer the questions about my writing, and then tag others to do the same. Since I don't follow any writing blogs, except Skye's and she was the one who tagged me, I'm afraid to say I won't be tagging anyone, but if anyone who reads this and does write, would like to take part, you're welcome to consider yourself tagged by me. Drop me a comment, and I'll link to your blog in an edit.

So without further ado, here are my answers for The Next Best Thing Blog Hop:

What is the working title of your book?
At the moment, it's just called Pandora's Box because that's the name of the main character and I haven't really thought about the title yet.

Where did the idea come from for your book?
I've always been fascinated by the concept of Time as a living thing. A friend of a friend died, and then a friend's beloved dog of 19 years passed away and I started thinking about how many of us waste our time wishing for days to go faster, or for the weekend to come, etc. I watched the movie In Time (which I totally recommend by the way), and it all seemed to come together to create the character of Pandora.

What genre does your book fall under?
Fantasy, with a dash of romance.  

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
Time-Keepers never waste time on distractions, but Pandora has just opened her mythical box with the biggest distraction of all: Love.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Hahaha. Oh. That was a serious question? Sorry. If When, I manage to finish this story, I'll have a look at my options.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
It's still in progress.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
It would be great if I could compare it to some really big names, but so far I have a vague plotline and a few chapters, so I can't really say where it's heading or which books it compares to.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I'm not sure. I don't watch a lot of TV or movies. Katherine Moennig who stars as Shane in the L Word appeals as Pandora, but I suppose it depends on how the characters develop as I go along.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?
A lot of different things. A new take on relationships and what a person would be prepared to give up for one, as well as how time or lack of it, can affect a relationship, and also what would happen if some things that aren't possible in our reality, were possible in the characters'. I'm also determined to finish a full length novel that's worth publishing, instead of some half-finished nonsense, which is normally what happens. The inspiration of that goal is from my girlfriend (who keeps 'Pfft'-ing me when I start telling her I can't seem to finish), as well as other brilliant writers who do finish; the major one being Skye.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
If you're interested in fantasies that make you think, deal with real-life issues in supernatural ways, and take you on a fast-paced journey to save, not only her Forever love, but also time as we know it and the fate of the universe, then delve into Pandora's Box and see if you can find Hope.


  1. Ah, Rhapsody, Pandora's Box sounds amazing! Your one sentence synopsis really sold it to me; all the other answers cemented that :D The idea for the novel is so interesting and thought-provoking. After reading your answer to 'Where did the idea come from for your book?', I spent a full ten minutes musing on the passage of time before pulling my mind back to the present. It's such a fascinating concept. And I couldn't help but smile and blush at seeing my name mentioned in there. You're so sweet :)

    If you're interested, a small group of writers from Booksie and I created a writers' group (we like to call it a Writer Support Group :D) where we provide support and encouragement, discuss characters, story ideas and plot problems, have a good moan during NaNoWriMo, critique each other's manuscripts, and talk about writing and life in general. You're most welcome to join :) It's great to have a group of like-minded people close by, particularly when you're struggling to get a novel finished (like me at the moment -- I don't think I'd be where I am with HCH without their help). The website is: http://wildnorthspellsecretecaedenlupus.freeforums.org/index.php . I'd love to hear how Pandora's Box is coming along on there!

    It was great to hear from you again, Rhapsody! :) Have a good day and happy writing!

    1. Skye! It's so good to hear from you again. Been a while. A long while. :)

      HCH sounds incredible! I would love to read it sometime. I've joined your forum, and will likely be on and off as time and other commitments permit, so look forward to seeing you there!

      Thanks for the comment and the tag! Take care. :)
