Friday, 13 December 2013

You're too kind...

Once again, I've been nominated for an award. The Sunshine Award to be exact, and although I'm really honoured and appreciative of the nomination by Skye Fairwin, I personally think she's just being kind to my poor, neglected blog.

Nevertheless, I shall perform my duties honourably. So without further ado, allow me to present the

As per the rules, I now have to tell you 10 things you may not know about me. I hope you're prepared for crazy? Awesome! Let's go.

1. At 26, I've just finished my first year of my BCompt degree in Management Accounting. I actually don't enjoy Accounting, but I love learning and studying (and my company is paying for it), so I'm making the most of it with the idea that the money I'll earn as a qualified accountant will help me pay for stuff I DO want to do.

2. I have a Saturday job at an esoteric shop. I also do Tarot and Oracle card readings, and have started to experiment with Crystal readings as well.

3. As a teen, I watched John Edward (the psychic medium) with my mom and wished that I could do what he does but without the publicity. All I'm going to say about that is, be careful what you wish for.

4. I don't believe in god, or some other form of supernatural being who determines good and bad and decides what happens in your life. I do believe in Spirit, and the idea of a higher power, but I also believe that each individual controls their own destiny, creates everything that happens in their lives, and has the power to change their world if they would only accept it.

5. I don't like alcohol. The taste is vile, and I don't quite see the appeal. I've been blind drunk maybe twice in my life, and it wasn't all that fun. I slept through most of it. I will seldom drink more than a glass of watered-down rose wine.

6. My best friend thinks I suck the fun out of life by being too honest which also makes me appear slightly (or more) bitchy. She's still my best friend though, so I can't be all that bad. 

7. I talk to animals. No, seriously. Along with all my other fun (translate: crazy) stuff, I've also taken a course in animal communication. It's rather amusing when a cat tells you that their person snores. True story.

8.  I believe that what people think is impossible, is simply their own fear of it being possible but that they're not good enough to do it.

9. I love drawing and being creative outside of writing. My new favourite thing is Crazy Clay. I don't know how to draw very well, but I keep trying.

10. I'm a perfectionist which has a tendency to come across as laziness. What this means is: I want to do things. I think about doing things. I try to do things. But then not everything is in place to do said things perfectly so I don't do them. For example: baking a cake. I love baking. I love decorating cakes. I love the idea of making cupcakes and turning them into art. But! My kitchen is ugly, and doesn't have enough counter space. I don't have all the equipment I need to ice a cake properly, and I don't own a muffin tin to bake cupcakes in. So I dream about making perfectly beautiful cupcakes, but until I can get the perfect kitchen and equipment, I will be lazy and not make the cupcakes which would probably turn out just as well as if I had all the stuff I thought I needed. This is a character flaw I am working on. Especially in my writing.

There you have it folks. 10 things you never knew about me and probably wish you still didn't. I would nominate others, but due to the sadly neglected state of my blog, I still don't have anyone to nominate without linking back to people who have already been nominated. So if you read this, and want a nomination, drop me a comment and I'll link back to you.
(That's a lot of nominations right there.)


  1. *Clears throat* Criteria for being nominated: "positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere." Your NaNoWriMo Journey post was one of the most inspiring I've read! You definitely deserve this award :)

    I totally get what you mean about perfectionism. I usually dive right into something, then realise that the end product won't turn out like the perfect picture in my mind (happens with writing all the time). Then it's a toss up between giving it up, because it'll never be as good as I want it to be, or sticking it out. I've been getting better at choosing the latter in the past couple of years, but sometimes perfectionism still gets me and leaves the half-finished bodies of stories in its wake. I need some kind of anti-perfectionism gadget -- like NaNoWriMo in pocket form :D

  2. Awww... *blushes* You're always so encouraging Skye! Thank you! :)

    I've come to the realisation that perfectionism is about looking at the flaws in things. Since I'd rather appreciate the beauty in everything, I'm choosing to focus on what is beautiful in everything I do. I find that works much better than trying to get it perfect, and it allows me to feel proud of what I create instead of discouraged and wishing it was better.
    It's not always easy to think that way, but I try to make it a habit. :)
