Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Detox = Delays

On Sunday I was supposed to host another #10KWritathon, write and post the 5th installment in the Planning for Pantsers series, and just generally be a productive writer.

Unfortunately, I chose Saturday to go see my homeopath who put me on a new eating plan, starting with a detox. Sunday was spent doing month end shopping, including all the things I'd need to stick to the eating plan and detox, and a therapy session in the afternoon.

We arrived home in time for a quick bath and a nap before going out for supper with the family - my aunt flew up for business and wanted to see us for a few hours. We got home just before midnight and by then I was finished.

My body has decided that detoxing equals sleep and killer headaches, although I've managed to keep my #writechain link going (thank goodness I changed it to something more manageable when I received my study guides), but aside from that, I haven't even looked at anything online since Sunday morning.

HUGE apologies to everyone who expected me to be around for the Writathon. I expected myself to be around, at least for most of the day, so it was rather disconcerting to suddenly realise that the hour I spent online in the morning was the most I'd spend writing all day.

To those expecting the next installment in the Planning for Pantsers series, I'm working on it and will have it up this Sunday instead.

I don't expect this week to be very productive, but my energy levels should start picking up as soon as my body has decided that it's clear of toxins and bleh stuffs. In the meantime, here's Munchkin urging me to hurry up and get my butt in gear (to feed her, but we'll pretend it's for the rest of it too).

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