Monday, 18 February 2013

Happy Birthday to my Bestest Friend

Today's post is dedicated to a very special person.

We met fourteen years ago, at our grade 8 orientation day. We were both extraordinarily shy, and somehow ended up standing next to each other in the assembly. I greeted her, she greeted me, and the next thing we were chatting like old friends.

She emigrated to Australia in 2004, and although we haven't seen each other since then, we still email, message and occasionally Skype.

When she was here, we used to go to the mall to eat waffles and watch a movie. I would always smother mine in every kind of syrup, she would have hers plain. She would watch me drenching the waffle and ice cream in syrup, pull a face and tell me; "that's disgusting." When she left, if I had a waffle, half was plain for her, the rest was covered in syrup for me. (She wanted me to eat two - one plain, one covered in syrup - but I just couldn't manage it.)

Although I was an anti-social freak and never remembered her birthday, and she was a much better friend to me than I ever was to her; she's always called me her friend and I consider myself extremely lucky to have a friend like her. I am proud that today, she is the friend that I've had the longest, and that I can still call her my Bestest Friend.

Today is her birthday, and I just want to send her the biggest, syrupiest, sweetest, most disgustingly yummy waffle I can. Unfortunately, Google doesn't have one like what I used to have, so here's the next best thing:

Happy Birthday Chips!

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