Sunday, 10 February 2013

I have an Eco-system... my hair.

In other words, I have lice.

Excuse me while I have a complete freak out....

Dragonfly calls it my eco-system. And laughs. Tells me it means my hair is clean because lice don't live in dirty hair. Or curly hair for that matter.  

It's still lice! I don't even know how I got the little bugs. *shudders*

She bought me poison. It comes with a hectic list of contra-indications and a warning not to leave it on for longer than ten minutes. Uhm.... No.

I tried pet shampoo instead. It doesn't work. So I checked the Fragrant Pharmacy. Lavender, Geranium, Chamomile, Lemon, Rosemary... All essential oils that won't poison me, and will deal with the issue. And Bingo! I have some completely natural Lavender shampoo and conditioner from EarthSap. So I tried the conditioner last night. Ha! My eco-system dropped dead faster than the cats sneaking into the bathroom before I can close the door. Yay! I've ordered more conditioner and will be adding some of the other oils to it before I apply it to my hair again tonight. 

And Dragonfly says she'll be using the poison. Turns out, lice don't mind curly hair all that much.

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