The last few days have been alternately rainy and sunny. The rain is good, because it means I don't need to water the veggies, but at the same time, I think my broccoli is drowning. It doesn't look very happy where it is, so I'm thinking of moving it. I just haven't figured out where to move it to.
Also, the pests; aka Zeus and Beast, have been trampling my lettuce. Zeus takes great pleasure in chasing Beast through the garden, and Beast being slightly odd, he tends to lead the way straight through my lettuce, mouth open in a continuous, tortured wail while Zeus follows in gleeful pursuit. Tessa, meanwhile, sleeps peacefully on under my chair, enjoying the temporary relief from being pounced on by the terror that is Zeus. The rest of the veggies seem to be thriving. Which makes me happy. And hungry for fresh home-grown produce.
Squashy has returned home, and while I know Squishy is missing him, life has returned to its crazy 'normal' pattern. The kitchen seems emptier without him around though, and I strangely find myself missing the extra company. And the help when I need an extra set of hands for making stuff. Like this:
It looks like a mobile to hang over a child's bed and I suppose it could be used as one. However, this particular item is a candle chandelier that I made for Squishy. She has a very hippy room; with a tie-dye bedspread we made earlier in the year, and just a generally bright room. The original version was a bit of a flop because the wire wasn't thick enough, so it ended up a bit wonky and I ended up a bit frustrated. So I tossed it aside for a few days while I let ideas simmer in my subconscious. And my awesome muse came through! With a lot of self-satisfied smirking and a few bruised and poked fingers, I plaited three long strands of wire; relying on Squashy's hands to untangle the ends (wire gets magnificently tangled when you plait it), and ended up with one long, prettily patterned and thick enough piece to hold the holders. Once it was done, and had received approval from Squishy; Squashy very handily got up on a chair and hung it from the roof. Luckily Squishy is short (and squishy), so she fits perfectly under it. Now we just need to put some candles in it and see whether it works without being a fire-hazard. I reassure myself that if nothing else, it makes an awesome decoration which the cats can't reach to destroy.
Elf, being the wonderful creative person she is; made an absolutely beautiful dream-catcher for Squishy. I have asked for one for myself, but as she starts a new job on Monday, it may be a while before I get one. That's okay though. She's excited and nervous about the job and I'm really happy and so proud that she's making a success of her life after everything she's been through. It's just further proof that the strength that lies within people is what defines their lives, rather than external circumstances.
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